搜索 Patricia

  • 隔墙有情人
  • 中甲上海嘉定汇龙vs辽宁铁人20240324
  • 闹鬼网红屋
    A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadly consequences.
  • 猫眼看人
    Richard Morrison求助于一家成功的公司Quitter'e Incorporated来戒烟,这家公司是由Vinnie Donatti博士来主持,并且向每位客户保证可达到戒烟的目的,不幸的是,这项戒烟计划内的3项措施将足以使得Morrison与其家人丧命.....  一位职业网球员被发现和黑道大哥的女人有染,他被迫作出选择,一是被杀,另一是自愿沿着大楼高层的突出外沿来走一圈,若…
  • 这地方,是马来西亚的一个小镇,永平。  这女孩,李巧娇,小名阿娇(庄米雪饰)。  阿娇售卖电视机,但她更渴望进入电视机的画面里。  阿娇生活在新加坡制作的华语电视连续剧中。她对每一部第八波道的连续剧里的对白都耳熟能详,倒背如流。甚至她那麻雀虽小,五脏俱全的小房间里,四堵墙和天花板上都贴满了从娱乐杂志上所剪出来的明星照片…
  • 歌舞飞扬
    At fictitious Tait University in the Roaring 20's, co-ed and school librarian Connie Lane (June Allyson) falls for football hero Tommy Marlowe (Peter Lawford). Unfortunately, he has his eye on gold-digging vamp Pat McClellan. Tommy's grades start to slip, which keeps him from playing in the big game. Connie eventually …
  • 歌舞飞扬
    At fictitious Tait University in the Roaring 20's, co-ed and school librarian Connie Lane (June Allyson) falls for football hero Tommy Marlowe (Peter Lawford). Unfortunately, he has his eye on gold-digging vamp Pat McClellan. Tommy's grades start to slip, which keeps him from playing in the big game. Connie eventually …
  • 魔法一点灵
    母亲去世之后,阿曼达(莎拉?米歇尔?盖拉 Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰)继承了母亲生前精心经营的餐馆。然而没过多久,阿曼达便发现,从前门庭若市的餐馆,如今生意一天不如一天,甚至濒临了倒闭的边缘。  一次偶然中,阿曼达邂逅了名为汤姆(肖恩?派特里克?弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery)的男子。之后,汤姆在机缘巧合之下来到了阿曼达的餐厅…
  • A rising political star faces scandal and blackmail when the young woman he tries to help turns out to be a juvenile delinquent
  • 动作片
    A young girl makes a perilous journey from SouthCentral America to the United States unaware of the real dangers that lie ahead.