搜索 鲁道夫

  • 银河系第二好医院
    亚马逊影业已向《The Hospital》交付了两季订单,这是一部成人动画科幻喜剧,讲述了勇敢的外星外科医生(也是形影不离的好朋友)斯利奇和克拉克处理银河系中最具挑战性的病例的故事,包括吞噬焦虑的寄生虫、非法时间循环和深空性传播感染。他们冒着职业生涯的风险去接手一个特殊病例,却将自己置于危险之中。
  • 吹牛伯爵历险记
  • 憨豆先生精选辑
    Mr. Bean and Teddy venture into the loft to look for an umbrella and uncover items from past experiences, like the time Mr. Bean had to dress himself on the way to the dentist, or the time he fell asleep in moxia.cc church or when the Christmas turkey wound up on his head and even the time a tank crushed his Mini.
  • 憨豆先生精选辑
    Mr. Bean and Teddy venture into the loft to look for an umbrella and uncover items from past experiences, like the time Mr. Bean had to dress himself on the way to the dentist, or the time he fell asleep in moxia.cc church or when the Christmas turkey wound up on his head and even the time a tank crushed his Mini.
  • 孽欲凶杀
    An eccentric, unconventional woman whose naive aspirations to rise from her job as a security guard to full-fledged private eye lead her into a tangled PL mess.
  • 孽欲凶杀
    An eccentric, unconventional woman whose naive aspirations to rise from her job as a security guard to full-fledged private eye lead her into a tangled PL mess.
  • 甜蜜的家1940[电影解说]
      在一所大房子内,淘气的大猫杰斯帕正在戏耍棕色的小老鼠金克斯。金克斯拼尽全力,可是始终逃不出杰斯帕的猫爪,真是受尽折磨。在一次猫鼠追逐中,杰斯帕不小心碰碎了走廊拐角的花盆,结果遭到女主人一通训斥。而且一旦他再打碎任何东西的话,就会被无情地赶到外面。得知这一消息,金克斯开始 有意地破坏屋里的瓷器,这可令杰斯帕慌了手脚……
  • 甜蜜的家1940[电影解说]
      在一所大房子内,淘气的大猫杰斯帕正在戏耍棕色的小老鼠金克斯。金克斯拼尽全力,可是始终逃不出杰斯帕的猫爪,真是受尽折磨。在一次猫鼠追逐中,杰斯帕不小心碰碎了走廊拐角的花盆,结果遭到女主人一通训斥。而且一旦他再打碎任何东西的话,就会被无情地赶到外面。得知这一消息,金克斯开始 有意地破坏屋里的瓷器,这可令杰斯帕慌了手脚……
  • 德语课
      由克里斯蒂安·施沃霍夫执导,改编自西格弗里德·伦茨的同名小说《Deutschstunde》。这部二战反思小说是德国文学史上的里程碑杰作,具有重要的意义。时长两小时影片,尽管无法完美呈现原著内容,但也剥离出来一条主线,很好描绘了人们的亲情友情在那个时代背景下所遭受的扭曲。20 世纪 50 年代,西吉·杰普森 (Siggi Jepsen) 被…
  • 新版佐罗